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Tactical Assassin


About Tactical Assassin


Tactical Assassin is a breathtaking sniper game. Your goal is to aim accurately and shoot down your targets in the shortest time to complete your mission.

In this game, you play as a professional sniper assassin. Then, you are hired to complete different missions. Before starting your mission, you have to read carefully the brief. After that, try your best to aim accurately and kill your opponent with one shot. Note that your rivals blend in with the crowd. Therefore, you have to guess exactly who your opponents are. Avoid killing innocent civilians. Moreover, you must make sure that the time and sequence of your shots are perfect. Your mission is failed when the warning alarm ring and you get caught. If you can accomplish all missions and make your clients happy, you will earn a lot of money.

How many missions are there in this game?

This shooting game features seven missions from different clients. The degree of difficulty of the mission will increase constantly.

  • Mission 1: Your mission is to eliminate the doorman. It may be challenging for you as you have to guess who is the doorman to shoot. Don’t hurt any civilians if you don’t want to lose soon
  • Mission 2: In this mission, your target is the head Arms dealer who is planning to sell explosives to the F.M.G militia. Besides, you have to shoot down the Head arm dealer’s bodyguard.
  • Mission 3: You are hired to kill the right Head arms dealer who is arriving by limousine shortly. 
  • Mission 4: In this mission, your goal is the agency mole who gives the agency false intel. Attempt to assassinate him before he leaks anything important to the F.M.G.
  • Mission 5: In this mission, you will go to the city of Baghdad. Your objective is to kill the militia members who are currently fighting a civil war against anyone who follows a different religion. Note that militia wears facemasks and are armed with guns. Try not to be detected if you don’t want to lose soon.
  • Mission 6: You are assigned to assassinate an Iraqi official to stop their evil plan about dangerous chemicals.
  • Mission 7: This final mission is super important. You must murder the F.M.G negotiator as well as the chief of Baghdad police. If you let your targets escape, your mission will fail. 


Tactical Assassin was developed by Simon Hason.


This game is available in the web browser. You can play it on both mobile devices and PC on our website for free.

Features of Tactical Assassin:

  • 7 missions with increasing degrees of difficulty
  • Dynamite storyline
  • Simple control
  • Nice graphics and thrilling sound effects

How to play

  • Press an “UP ARROW KEY” to check the brief
  • Press a “DOWN ARROW KEY” to start the mission
  • Use the mouse to aim
  • Press the left mouse button to shoot

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